16 Clappison Ave unit d2-04, Waterdown, ON L8B 0Y2.

Everything You Should Know Before Getting Fluoride Treatment

A sparkling smile is a universal welcome, and a fluoride treatment is a secret ingredient that keeps it shining. Dentists worldwide swear by fluoride therapy to prevent frequent cavities and strengthen the enamel. This iconic mineral is famous for its superpower—boosting the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the diet. From keeping your bones healthy to boosting the mineral health of the enamel, fluoride is a magical pill for long-lasting and good oral health. If you are scheduled for a fluoride treatment in Waterdown for your next dental appointment, then this blog post is for you!
The Uses of Fluorides in Dental Health

The most significant use of fluoride is in the field of dentistry. The mineral has been dispensed to us since childhood and has multiple benefits for oral health.

Here are a few reasons why fluoride treatment is an indispensable dental service:

  • Strengthens the Tooth Enamel: Fluoride strengthens enamel by efficiently absorbing minerals like calcium and phosphate from saliva, food, and water, boosting enamel health. Specially designed fluoride therapy given to the teeth can alter the enamel molecules (hydroxyapatite), to a more potent compound called fluorapatite that is resistant to acid attacks and mineral loss, making the enamel resistant to decay.
  • Inhibits Dental Infections: Fluorides are also known to inhibit oral bacteria, particularly the cavity-causing strain, Streptococcus mutans. It interferes with the conversion of sticky sugars to acids, hinders bacterial adhesion to tooth surfaces, inhibits the growth of bacterial colonies, and prevents the formation of dental plaque and tartar.
  • Can Reduce Tooth Sensitivity: Fluorides can lessen tooth sensitivity by fortifying enamel and preventing the exposure of the underlying dentin, which is more sensitive to temperature and touch.
  • Is a Must During Orthodontic Treatment: Orthodontic treatments like braces and retainers can make oral hygiene more challenging, increasing the risk of tooth decay. Fluoride helps counteract this by strengthening enamel.
  • Is Effective for All Ages: Fluoride therapy is for all ages. From young children with milk teeth to adults with fully erupted permanent teeth, maintaining dental health with fluoride is a must for all.
  • Painless and Quick: There is nothing invasive or surgical about fluoride teeth treatment. There are barely any post-procedure restrictions—you do not need anesthesia or antibiotics. It is one of those friendly dental services for the young and the old.
  • Cost-effective: Fluoride applications, being preventive, save you from costly and more complicated dental procedures and emergencies.
Despite learning about fluorides, apprehensions about the upcoming fluoride therapy remain. So let us walk you through how a fluoride application works.
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Fluoride Application for Good Oral Health

Community water fluoridation has been widely recognized as a safe and effective public health measure for supplying the recommended daily dose of fluoride in many countries worldwide. Our toothpastes, mouthwashes, gums, and oral supplements are usually fortified with fluorides. Despite that, dental fluoride applications are crucial in keeping you cavity-free.

Types of fluoride treatment available at the dentist:

  • Fluoride varnish (a concentrated fluoride gel that adheres to the tooth surface and is gradually absorbed)
  • Fluoride gel (a thick fluoride gel that is applied in a tray that fits over all your teeth)
  • Fluoride foam (similar to the gel, it is foamy in consistency and is better and faster absorbed into the enamel)
A general outline of the steps involved in dental fluoride application:
  • Teeth Cleaning: The teeth must be clean and free of debris before applying fluoride. We use an ultrasonic scaler to clean the teeth and remove any plaque or tartar buildup.
  • Isolation: Fluoride application needs a saliva-free, dry tooth surface. We may isolate the teeth using cotton rolls, dental dams, cheek retractors, and a suction tube.
  • Selection of Fluoride Products : We usually recommend the most suitable fluoride product for you. This can include fluoride varnish, fluoride gel, fluoride foam, or a fluoride rinse.
  • Application of Fluoride: The product is applied using a brush, swab, or a custom-made tray. The dentist will cover all the surfaces of all teeth with the product, paying close attention to areas prone to decay.
  • Dwell Time: The product must be applied for a specific period of time for best results. The dentist may isolate the area for the recommended period of setting time (the dwell time), typically a few minutes.
  • Spitting and Rinsing: After the dwell time, you are allowed to spit out the excess product and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. This step is vital to prevent the ingestion of excessive fluoride. Do not worry about the after-taste, it is likely to vanish in minutes.
  • Post-Treatment Instructions : You may be advised to avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes to an hour and avoid brushing for the day to allow the fluoride to seep in better.
Any Potential Side Effects Of Fluoride Treatment?

While fluoride application is generally safe and beneficial, there can be potential side effects, especially if excessive amounts of fluoride are ingested or if an individual is particularly sensitive to fluoride 


Conclusion: Do Not Miss Your Summer Appointments

Make fluoride therapy your dental guardian angel—let it protect your teeth one application at a time. The focus of modern dentistry is prevention, and fluoride treatment precisely fulfills the criteria. From boosting tooth enamel to curbing bacterial growth, this wonder mineral is an elixir for sustainable oral health. If you feel convinced and are searching for fluoride treatment near you, then feel free to drop by and have a chat with our experienced fluoride dentist at Magnolia Dental.

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The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Healthy Teeth During Summer

Some sunshine with a ray of smile sums up summertime! Finally, summer is here—and it’s time you make your warm afternoons warmer with a bright smile. Summer could be all about long breaks, pool time, colas, ice creams, and relaxation, but do not go overboard and ignore your oral health. It takes only a few days to develop cavities and gum bleeds, and a lot of it is related to careless food habits. The best dental care in summer needs much more than brushing your teeth twice daily—it requires being watchful of your food and beverages. Read on to discover some quick tips on the ideal oral hygiene routine during the summer.
The Ultimate Guide to Best Oral Hygiene During Summer

Amidst all the excitement of the bright sunny days, it is crucial to remember your proper oral hygiene habits to avoid unnecessary toothaches, sensitivity, and repeated dental visits. Join us as we discuss some obvious yet essential tips for keeping your teeth and gums healthy:

  • Limit Fizzy Drinks: Hot, humid days can make you crave summer coolers. These chilled beverages, like fizzy sodas and colas, are yummy and instantly cool you down. But hang in there! These drinks are sugar loaded with carbonated water that tends to make the mouth acidic—slowly and steadily dissolving the tooth enamel. In no time, you will develop yellowish, eroded, and sensitive teeth. No matter how much you love it, keep a check on your fizz consumption.
  • Consume Less Sugar: Popsicles, ice creams, beverages like sodas, colas, canned juices, iced teas, cold coffees, and energy drinks could be your go-to this summer, but remember they could be catastrophic after a while.
    These tasty treats are essentially sugar dumps with high amounts of preservatives, carbonated water, and synthetic food colors. The residual sugar can linger in your mouth for hours after consumption, producing acids and creating havoc for the tooth enamel and the gums.
  • Avoid Chewing Ice: Not so common—yet quite an addictive habit. If you are fond of chewing on ice to feel that instant cool, stop and think twice! Your teeth are not meant to bite hard ice cubes, and they may fracture in the process. It’s alright to add crushed ice to your drinks, but it’s best to stay away from the larger ice blocks.
  • Quit Mindless Snacking: Summer or otherwise, if you absolutely love munching the whole day, then you’ve got to stop. Popping in sugary, fried, and crunchy snacks all day increases acid production and residual food particles in the mouth. A dirty mouth is a haven for bacterial growth. You’ll soon see multiple cavities, tooth sensitivity, gum bleeds, bad breath, and yellow teeth. Choose healthier snack options like fruit salads, oat smoothies, or sprout bowls instead.
  • Brush Your Teeth and Rinse Your Mouth Regularly: Do we need to repeat this? Well! Brush your teeth diligently twice a day—before bedtime and after breakfast—to prevent plaque and tartar buildup. Use an antibacterial mouthwash to disinfect the nooks and crannies of the teeth and gums. Apart from the usual, it would be best practice to floss after larger meals and rinse the mouth after anything that you eat or drink. A regular oral hygiene routine can keep your teeth healthy for good.
  • Stay Hydrated and Eat a Gut-friendly Diet: The summer heat can cause dehydration and bloating. This, in turn, reduces saliva flow, induces acid reflux, and causes tooth erosion. Drink copious amounts of water to keep yourself hydrated and your mouth moist and healthy. Eat gut-friendly foods like summer fruits, green veggies, and homemade smoothies to calm the stomach and prevent acidity, gas, and bloating.
  • Use Sunscreen for Your Lips: Have you been up-to-date with your sunscreen and skin care? Does that include sunscreen for the lips? If not, then why? Lips are a soft and extremely delicate part of the face that is exposed to the weather round-the-clock. Remember to apply a lip balm with a high SPF number to protect them from the strong UV radiations of the sun.
  • Use Mouthguards During Sports: Summer sports are a quintessential part of the weekends. They are fun and energetic, and give you the much-awaited adrenaline boost. However, in the excitement of the game, do not forget to protect your teeth from accidental sports injuries. A mouthguard is a must for sports like rugby and baseball.
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Conclusion: Do Not Miss Your Summer Appointments

If summers make you excited, let the world see it—smile like never before. Our dental clinic in Waterdown believes in patient education and awareness. These quick tips for proper oral hygiene in the summer will save you from dental emergencies and unplanned hospital visits. However, remember to attend the scheduled dental appointments to treat any cavities and gum infections as soon as possible and save yourself time, money, and most of all, a toothache! 

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woman patient and female dentist with probe are checking teeth at mirror after dental treatment

Dental Emergencies: When to Seek Immediate Treatment

A dental emergency can put you on the hot seat—should I seek emergency dental care or just wait for the issue to subside? That’s exactly why you must understand what true emergency dental treatment is. It could be anything from an excruciating toothache to an incessant tissue bleed that demands immediate medical attention. They may occur at odd hours of the day, outside your dentist’s work hours, setting off your panic button, but hey! Fret not! Panic accomplishes zero. Instead, let’s discuss emergency dental services and when to seek them.
Understanding Emergency Dentistry

The Canadian Dental Association draws a thin line between a dental emergency and a dental urgency. Emergencies can pose a life threat, whereas dental urgency is uncomfortable but not fatal. However, sticking to the common verbiage, we shall use dental emergencies as a broad umbrella term. 

Here are a few typical dental issues that warrant an emergency dental clinic visit:

  • An avulsed/knocked out tooth: A tooth popping out is quite a common scenario in children and adults after a sudden fall or a blow to the face.
  • A fractured tooth: Similar to the above situation, accidents or a sudden bite on something stony hard can split or crack a portion of the tooth, initiating pain and discomfort.
  • Toothache: A severe toothache that becomes unbearable when lying down. Such toothaches originate from longstanding dental infections. The pain can eventually radiate to the ear, head, jaws, and throat.
  • Bleeding: Non-stop bleeding can continue for hours after tooth extraction. This could be frank blood or clotted blood that oozes from the empty tooth socket. The bleeding may or may not be accompanied by pain and swelling. This usually happens if you fail to inform the dentist about an inherent bleeding disorder (leukemia, hemophilia, etc.) or a prescribed blood thinner before the procedure. Another common cause would be spitting and vigorous gargling soon after the procedure.
  • Space infections, or cellulitis: These are caused by long-standing dental infections like tooth abscesses. It presents as severe facial swelling with skin discoloration and pain. You can also have difficulty eating, swallowing, and breathing. Space infections can be fatal, and it’s best to visit dental emergency dentists immediately.
  • Allergy: An allergic reaction that causes boils, ulcers, and soreness in the mouth can cause severe discomfort for you. The reaction may spread to the throat, affecting the airways and making breathing difficult. Emergency dental care becomes necessary in such cases.
A sudden fall that causes lip cuts or other deeper wounds also demands immediate dental treatment.
  • Jaw issues: Jaw locks, caused by excessive yawing, raucous laughter, or TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) disorders, make talking, swallowing, and eating difficult.
    No matter what the emergency is, the mantra is to keep calm. Unnecessary panic in a dental emergency impedes your thought process. Perhaps you can make a quick call to your emergency dental clinic and get some quick home remedies, or just drop by the dental office around the corner for immediate help.
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How to Handle Dental Emergencies—A Quick Guide
The first page of the guide tells you to breathe and think. This clears your mind and allows you to visualize a management strategy. Let’s see a few things that you must know before the emergency dental treatment:
  • For toothaches or cracked teeth, consider popping in an OTC painkiller until you get to see the dentist. This might resolve the issue for the time being
  • Cold compressions with an ice pack work wonders for non-stop bleeding. You can also attempt biting down on a gauze piece for a good 30 minutes to help with blood clot formation.
  • Antihistamine tablets and sprays may be used to relieve allergic reactions as soon as possible.
  • Space infections and breathing difficulties need immediate hospitalization as they can prove fatal if left untreated.
  • Jaw locks are usually self-resolvable and physiotherapy/hot and cold packs help. However, if they are severely painful, it’s best to visit the dentist.
Do not grin and bear it when it comes to dental emergencies. Remember, every minute that you delay may cost you a healthy tooth and a beautiful smile. Now that you know how and when to seek immediate treatment for sudden dental mishaps, it’s best to act fast and not panic. Waterdown emergency dentistry has come a long way to serve you at all hours and provide you with helpline numbers. Feel free to call the same-day emergency dentist in Waterdown without any hesitation and allow us to guide you. 
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How to Maintain Good Oral Health with General Dentistry

There is a deep association between your oral health and overall hygiene. Oral health care is not only about treating gum diseases and multiple cavities. Even if you have strong teeth, regularly taking care of your teeth and gums is essential. That is why we have mentioned some of the oral health care tips that will help you maintain optimum oral health.

  • Brushing your teeth twice daily is a must: As per general rule, no wonder brushing your teeth twice daily will help you achieve optimal oral health. This will help you to get rid of plaque and germs that accumulate over time.
  • Don’t skip your tongue part: Apart from your teeth, plaque can also build up over your tongue. This can lead to halitosis (bad breath) or oral malodor. Gentle brushing your tongue while brushing your teeth is advisable.
  • Add fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride is added to the toothpaste which helps to prevent cavities. It is considered one of the essential ingredients in toothpaste and mouthwash. Lack of fluoride may even lead to tooth decay. Dentists for dental care suggest, only thorough brushing and flossing can not prevent cavities.
  • Consider flossing: Flossing can be used in places that are not easily accessible to toothbrushes. Food particles trapped in between the teeth lead to bad breath (halitosis). Knowing how to floss can help in removing such remaining food particles.
  • Regular dental visits: It’s recommended to see your dentist for dental care once every six months. Routine dental cleaning helps remove plaque and hardened tartar from the teeth’ surface. Moreover, a routine dental check-up helps in preventing cavities. Our experts practicing in general dentistry clinic will also check if there are any kind of visual signs of oral cancer or other oral health issues. Such issues can be cured completely if treated early.
  • Consider mouth rinse for added protection: Consider mouth rinse as an added protection for your oral health. A mouth rinse containing fluoride reduces the chances of developing caries. A thorough consultation with your dentist before trying out the newer product is necessary. As per our expert dentist, Dr. Bajaj, fluoride mouth rinse should not be allowed for 6 years of age-old children.
  • Avoid sugary food items: Excess sugar consumption may lead to cavities. Sticky and starchy food items get stuck in between your teeth and cause tooth decay. Replace sugary items with fibrous foods and try to make a scrumptious healthy meal that you can enjoy.
  • Sugary drinks are a big No: As mentioned earlier, frequent exposure to sweetened beverages increases the risk of cavity formation. Our experienced dentist Dr. Bajaj suggests limiting sugary items to mealtime only. Reducing the frequency and volume of sugary drinks will reduce the higher risk of cavity development.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking causes a delay in wound healing. If you have undergone any dental procedure, try to avoid smoking as much as possible. Because those who smoke, experience slow healing after dental procedures.
  • Inform your dentist: Let your dentist know if you have diabetes or other systemic diseases. If you have diabetes, you need to maintain your blood sugar level. Or if you are taking certain medications that are causing dry mouth, try to have plenty of water or chew sugarless gums to stimulate saliva.

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Practicing thorough dental care helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Follow the above-mentioned tips that will help in maintaining your oral hygiene at par. A regular dental check-up at Magnolia Dental in Waterdown will help in oral cancer screening detecting other oral issues and treating such problems early before the condition worsens.

To know more about the general dentistry services we offer at Magnolia Dental, book our dental care appointments today.

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Adorable child brushing his teeth

Summer Smiles: How to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy

This summer, let the tooth fairy be happy with your child’s good oral hygiene routine. The long days of summer bring along with them beach vacays, chilled coolers, and lots and lots of yummy ice cream. If your kids are already dreaming about their sunny disposition, let us help them have an exciting summer break with no tooth-health issues. A summer smile for the little ones calls for some quick home tips and a pediatric dental appointment, and you are good to go. Read on to understand the do’s and don’ts of maintaining your child’s healthy smiles, this summer.

A Guide to a Healthy Summer Smile for Kids

Amidst all the excitement of the bright, sunny days, it’s crucial to remember your child’s regular brushing and flossing routine. Keep an eye out for what they eat and drink to prevent unnecessary cavities and toothaches.

Join us as we discuss some obvious yet essential summer dental tips and tricks for your child’s oral health:

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  • Monitor Your Child’s Hydration: It is difficult to get the young ones to drink water. But remember that summer activities can make them sweat to the point of dehydration. Low levels of water in the body reduce saliva formation in the mouth, making it dry. Saliva is a natural cleanser and pH keeper; a dry mouth is a haven for bacterial growth and dental infections.
    Give your kids water goals and motivate to complete them. You can also try substituting water with fresh juices or simply stir up a lemonade to help maintain their hydration levels.
  • Limit Their Fizzy Drinks: Fizzy drinks are such a burst of excitement. These chilled coolers in the form of sodas, colas, and mocktails are delicious and can instantly calm the insides after a sun bath. But wait, we stay—STOP IT. These drinks are loaded with sugar, acid regulators, preservatives, and carbonated water. The fizz is high in acid content, which causes erosion of the tooth enamel.
    Unlike food, beverages linger in the mouth for longer and can erode enamel rapidly, leading to tooth sensitivity, gum inflammation, and cavities.
  • Cut Back on Sugary Treats: Ice creams, popsicles, ice lollies, canned juices, and energy drinks are everybody’s favorite summer treats. But as a parent, you may need to monitor what your kids eat, as overconsumption of sugar is the leading cause of rampant decay in children.
    The saliva breaks down the sugar into acids that easily dissolve the enamel, causing tooth sensitivity and toothaches. Make sure they rinse their mouths after every snack and brush diligently twice a day—in the morning and before bedtime. A good oral hygiene routine can save multiple pediatric dental appointments.
  • Innovate Snack Ideas for the Summer Holidays: Healthy snacking can go a long way towards replacing sugary bites. If you are a parent or a caregiver, you will know your kid’s food choices, the best. You can substitute the regular fruit juices with a fruit salad and whipped cream toppings, and the ice creams with chilled yogurt and homemade popsicles.
    Develop healthy eating habits from childhood to help form a foundation for good oral as well as overall health.
  • Be Strict About Their Oral Hygiene: There is no substitute for brushing twice a day. Motivate them, perhaps buy a tasty flavor of fluoridated toothpaste and a toothbrush with their favorite superhero figurine. You can also set a timer for them to follow to ensure complete oral care.
    Monitor their rinsing patterns, brushing techniques, and motivate them to floss their teeth and scrape their tongue before bedtime. Going about your own oral care routine with your child can also be an effective way to teach them.
  • Advice Mouthguards for Outdoor Sports: Summertime calls for outdoor activities and games. You can get a customized mouthguard or a dental splint made at the pediatric dental appointment to preserve a healthy summer smile.
  • Do Not Miss Your Pediatric Dental Appointment: I guess the most important summer dental tip—do not miss out on dental checkups during the summer break. The dentist can detect an issue in its early stages, which will help avoid unnecessary dental emergencies. Pediatric dentistry suggests preventive measures like fluoride therapy for children to avoid childhood cavities.
Summer smiles call for a good oral hygiene routine and scheduled appointments with the pediatric dentists Waterdown. Teeth are valuable; do not waste them on trivial summer pleasures. Parents play a significant role in shaping the eating and hygiene habits of their children—-let us guide you in doing that job better. Be it summer vacations or Christmas breaks, it’s good to know how to keep your child’s teeth healthy and update yourself with the latest concepts of children’s dentistry Waterdown.
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Healthy teeth, cleaning with toothbrush. Close up cropped shot of smiling woman dentist explaining importance of oral hygiene on jaw model to happy two multiracial girls. Focus on jaw model

Why You Should Focus on Improving Teeth Deep Cleaning: Everything You Need To Know

A squeaky clean mouth makes you feel as fresh as a daisy. Good oral hygiene is synonymous with a healthy mouth and body. With science drawing connections between plaque and the risk of cardiac diseases and diabetes, it’s time to take dental cleaning seriously. Be it teeth cleaning at home or dentist teeth cleaning, do not miss out on either. Today we shall take a step further and discuss deep teeth cleaning, when to avail of it, and what to expect.

What is Deep Teeth Cleaning?

A professional cleaning teeth usually involves removing the plaque, tartar, and stains from the visible tooth surface and the gum margins. The dentist recommends it every six months for good oral health.

Deep teeth cleaning involves going deeper into the gums to clean the tooth roots and clear any longstanding gum infection. It is a longer procedure and is only advised in cases of chronic gum disease.

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When Do You Need a Deep Teeth Cleaning?

A deep professional cleaning teeth is usually advised in the following cases:
  • Chronic gum infections: If you have swollen, bleeding, and sensitive gums, then a deep dental cleaning followed by meticulous oral hygiene can do wonders.
  • Loose gums: Unhealthy, soggy gums are often loose and form a space between the tooth and the gum cover—called pockets. These gum pockets harbor tartar, plaque, bacteria, and pus. Deep cleaning is the only way to access these areas while avoiding gum surgery.
  • Bone loss: If your dental X-ray shows severe loss of gums and poor bone quality underneath, then a deep cleaning dental procedure may help reduce the gum inflammation and prevent further bone loss.
  • Loose teeth and bad breath: Plaque accumulation, gum inflammation, and bone loss make your teeth mobile and perpetually produce malodor. Deep cleaning can remove the root cause of gum infections, resulting in a clean and hygienic mouth.

The Benefits of Deep Teeth Cleaning

A deep professional cleaning teeth is scientifically called scaling and root planing. It is an essential procedure for an ongoing gum infection. Here are the key advantages:
  • Manages chronic gum infections
  • Halts the progression of gum pockets and bone loss
  • Improves gum health with time
  • Prevents the loss of teeth
  • Improves gum esthetics
  • Helps you maintain oral hygiene
  • Avoids complicated procedures like gum surgery
With a thorough idea of the amazing benefits of deep gum cleaning, let us walk you through the procedure.

The Process of Teeth Deep Cleaning

It is best if you know what to expect from a deep gum cleaning appointment. Here is a bird’s eye view of the procedure:
  • Numbing the Gums: This is perhaps the most important information for you. No! Deep teeth cleaning is not painful! The dentist will numb the area of work with a local anesthetic spray and injection. You virtually feel nothing in the process.
  • Scaling: This involves the conventional procedure of teeth cleaning using an ultrasonic instrument. The cleaning tip goes around the tooth, reaching all the nitty gritty of the mouth and cleaning the plaque, tartar, and stains.
  • Root Planing: Once a thorough scaling is complete, the dentist may use hand instruments, specially designed ultrasonic instruments, or dental lasers to clean and treat the tooth root and the delicate inside part of the gums. This step is vital to keep your gums healthy and your bones strong.
  • Irrigation and Flushing: Cleaning and polishing are followed by flushing and washing the area with saline, antiseptic, and antibacterial solutions. This completes the process of deep cleaning and finishing.
  • Post-care Instructions: Carefully listen to your dentist and follow the brushing techniques, floss methods, and mouthwash instructions as told.
  • Follow-up: Aftercare and a follow-up visit are integral to successful outcomes. Allow the dentist to closely trace the healing journey to help you have healthier gums for life.
With a thorough idea of the amazing benefits of deep gum cleaning, let us walk you through the procedure.

Deep teeth cleaning is a professional dental treatment that is performed by a qualified dental practitioner It can be completed in a single-appointment or performed in phases, depending on the complexity. Remember to follow a good oral hygiene routine to see the best results. If you are looking for teeth Cleaning in Waterdown, feel free to visit our office for a quick check-up and a science-backed treatment approach, all at affordable rates.

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5 Reasons Why Invisalign Is Right for You

Invisalign aligners are a seamless blend of dental AI and orthodontic expertise. These clear aligners are the pioneers of a discreet, comfortable, and modern solution to straightening teeth. Gone are the days of ugly metal braces that held you back from smiling at the camera. According to the experts at Align Technology, Inc., Invisalign got clearance from the FDA to sell and market its products way back in 1998! Your dentist offering Invisalign in Waterdown will most likely need to see you every 2-3 months while the aligners quietly work towards enveloping the teeth and moving them minutely in the background. Before you know it, the smile makeover is complete! Read on to find out why Invisalign aligners are the best choice for you.

Five Reasons Why Invisalign is The Perfect Choice for You

Invisalign aligners are the ideal choice for individuals seeking a confident and hassle-free smile transformation. Let us explore five compelling reasons why Invisalign may be the perfect solution for you.
  1. Unmatched Esthetics : Invisalign fulfills the expectations set by its name; it is virtually invisible. Did you ever think teeth straightening would be possible without being “Ugly Betty”? These clear aligners, which are made of transparent, medical-grade polymer and perfectly match your natural teeth, let you go about your everyday activities without feeling self-conscious. Invisalign ensures that your smile remains unhindered and natural throughout the teeth straightening process, like when attending social gatherings, taking presentations at work, or posing for the camera.
  2. Comfort : The clear Invisalign is made of BPA-free plastic. They are soft and comfortable. They were made with your comfort in mind. Invisalign aligners are smooth and made to fit over your teeth precisely, unlike traditional braces that include metal brackets and wires that can hurt your cheeks and gums. The absence of sharp edges or protruding wires eliminates the possibility of mouth sores and discomfort. Additionally, the gentle movements of your teeth using Invisalign aligners lessen the chance of uncomfortably harsh tooth movements that may cause a jaw ache. Your teeth are changing positions, so you should be prepared for some mild discomfort, especially with the initial set of aligners. This discomfort, however, will progressively reduce over a few days.
  3. Convenient to Use : Invisalign aligners provide unparalleled convenience due to their removable nature, allowing you to take them out for thorough cleaning. Unlike fixed braces, Invisalign offers the freedom to remove the aligners when eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. So now you can eat all the hard and crunchy foods that you like without any restrictions. It also prevents the inconvenience of food particles getting trapped in the braces and wires. It becomes incredibly easy to maintain oral hygiene, ensuring 100% dental health throughout your treatment procedure.
  4. Lesser Dental Appointments and Quicker Treatment Time : There are no monthly appointments! The dentist offering Invisalign in Waterdown will recommend a checkup every 2-3 months to understand the progress of the treatment. Invisalign aligners are specifically crafted to produce exceptional results in a comparatively shorter period of time when compared to conventional braces. By leveraging cutting-edge advancements like SmartTrackÂŪ material and SmartForceÂŪ features, Invisalign aligners ensure precise and predictable tooth adjustments.Its treatment planning software enables you and your dentist to closely monitor the development of your smile transformation and make the necessary adjustments at every stage. This efficient approach reduces the number of orthodontic appointments required, giving you more time to enjoy the beauty of your new smile.
  5. Customized Treatment Options with Better Predictability of Results : Invisalign acknowledges the uniqueness of every smile. Before starting your treatment, the advanced 3D imaging technology with an in-built AI is used to generate a digital model of your teeth and establish a customized treatment plan. This groundbreaking method allows you to envision the anticipated results of your smile journey even before initiating the procedure. With Invisalign, you can have the assurance that each aligner is meticulously crafted to cater to your specific orthodontic requirements, ensuring optimal efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment.
If you have an active social life at work and otherwise, then teeth straightening with Invisalign aligners is for you. Invisalign initially headed out to deal with adult orthodontics but has recently introduced its dedicated clear aligner therapy for teenagers, known as Invisalign for Teens. For all the parents who are struggling to discipline their teenagers at home and are tired of policing them for oral hygiene, Invisalign is for you! Invisalign is designed to deliver the beautiful smile you’ve always desired, painlessly. Consult with your dentist offering Invisalign in Waterdown today and unlock the Invisalign journey now.
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Know About 5 Common Dental Treatments and Procedures

Did you know that the tooth is the only body part that cannot repair itself with time? That leaves you with only one option—a dental visit. Dental experts can be intimidating for many. Adorned in the headgear, and masks, carrying the most annoying equipment with buzzing sounds, the brightest flashlight, and an injection, a dental emergency can get overwhelming. However, if you have been regular with your dental checkups, then the visit to your best dentist in Waterdown is absolutely painless and fun! You may visit dental experts for a variety of reasons but there are 5 most common dental treatments and procedures that are much coveted by all.

Five Popular Dental Treatments and Procedures

It turns out that if someone has a dental problem or a dental emergency, one of the five therapies can probably solve it.

The five types of dental treatments that can solve your dental issues:

  1. Tooth extractions and wisdom teeth extraction:
    Adult “permanent teeth” may not endure a lifetime, despite their moniker. Tooth extractions are frequently required due to poor oral hygiene, a poor diet, and underlying conditions including diabetes. It is one of those dental treatments that should be used as a last resort. Tooth loss will result in poor eating habits and a decrease in quality of life, so consult your dental experts thoroughly before a tooth extraction.
    A severely decayed tooth that is beyond repair or a loose tooth with poor gum condition is the most prevalent cause of tooth extraction. Apart from that, an absence of space for eruption causes third molars or wisdom teeth to become impacted or lodged in the jaw bones. The condition can harm neighboring teeth and is painful. To prevent further problems, wisdom teeth extraction is advised.
  2. Teeth cleanings:
    Teeth cleaning, or scaling and polishing of the teeth is the most basic dental procedure that should be done periodically. We recommend having a teeth cleaning session every six months to one year. It is crucial to your oral health. The equipment a dentist uses to clean your teeth is far more effective than the toothbrush you use at home.
    It involves numbing the gums and using an ultrasonic vibrating instrument to clean the tartar, deposits, and stains from the teeth.
  3. Fillings:
    Most toothaches and cavities can be cured with a simple dental filling. Fillings use a tooth-colored, strong, and fluoride-releasing cement to fill the hole in the tooth. The majority of cavities can be filled quickly. The procedure is painless, and your tooth is numbed prior to the tooth filling. Typically, it takes about 30-40 minutes to complete a dental filling procedure.
  4. Braces:
    Dental braces have been used since the 18th century A.D. Crooked tooth alignment can be straightened, and your smile can be re-designed using dental braces. The dentist can provide you with over five different types of braces to straighten your crooked teeth, including metal braces, metal self-ligating braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and more.
    Teeth straightening can be done as a teenager or as an adult. Unlike popular belief, braces offer much more than just esthetics. A perfect tooth alignment helps you brush better, your chewing efficiency is enhanced, the corrected bite reduces pressure on the jaw joint, and you have an amazing smile transformation.
    Invisible aligners for tooth straightening are a high-end form of dentistry today. Popular brands like Invisalign and Suresmile provide an AI based technology that works in collaboration with your dentist to straighten your teeth in no-time. Aligners are essentially soft resin trays that snugly fit on your teeth; they are removable, invisible, painless, and have no food restrictions.
  5. Replacing a missing tooth: dental implants, dental crowns, and bridges:
    You need to get your missing teeth replaced for better chewing efficiency and a confident smile! Dental implants are by far the best and most durable technique to replace teeth. It involves a minor surgery under local anesthesia to place the titanium implant into your jaws. The implant is allowed to heal for about three months before your dental experts deliver a life-like dental crown attached to the implant.
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They say a pain that is both mentally and physically draining is a toothache. So why wait for it? Periodic visits to your best dentist in Waterdown help keep a dental emergency at bay. Your dental experts can advise you best about common dental procedures like fillings, scalings, dental implants, and so on.
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Zoom Teeth Whitening vs. Conventional Teeth Whitening: A Smackdown

Professional Teeth Whitening: an Overview

Have you been meticulous with your oral hygiene and yet have to put up with yellow teeth? Well, then it’s time to explore teeth whitening in Waterdown! White teeth and a bright smile are never out of fashion. In fact, professional teeth whitening is the second most coveted dental treatment after dental extractions. Teeth whitening, or dental bleaching, is the quickest way to brighten dull, yellow, and stained teeth.  Today’s tech-savvy cosmetic dentists have options like Zoom teeth whitening, which is fast, painless, and has long-lasting results.

Types of teeth whitening

The past decade has seen a significant shift in the science and technology of cosmetic dentistry.
Teeth whitening in Waterdown
today has a plethora of options to offer you. It is good to be aware of your options before you visit us; however, your cosmetic dentist is the best person to advise you about the professional teeth whitening options that will suits you.

The different types of dental bleaching are:

  1. Teeth whitening (at home):
    • Whitening gel
    • OTC teeth whitening agents
  2. Teeth whitening (in-office):
    • Conventional teeth whitening
    • Laser teeth whitening
    • Zoom teeth whitening

This blog is all about comparing conventional dental bleaching to Zoom teeth whitening.

Conventional teeth whitening

A dentist performs conventional teeth whitening at the dental office. It involves the use of a bleaching agent to make the teeth whiter.

  • Preparation

The dentist will first examine your teeth and give you a treatment plan. Any gum infections and cavities should be treated before dental bleaching.  Hence, you will be advised to undergo scaling and polishing of your teeth (teeth cleaning) and dental fillings before the procedure. Healthy teeth are the best for obtaining optimum results from professional teeth whitening.

  • Procedure

The dentist will first numb your gums for a painless procedure. A concentrated peroxide-based bleaching gel will then be applied to all your teeth and left there for about 5 -8 minutes. The peroxides react with the stains on your teeth to loosen them. The majority of whitening gels contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as active ingredients. Typically, four applications are done in a single appointment to achieve the desired tooth color.

  • Time taken

A single appointment for conventional dental bleaching could take 60 minutes or more.

  • Side-effects

You may feel more sensitive to cold and hot food/drinks for a few days. This discomfort usually subsides with time. In the meantime, desensitizing toothpaste can be used. Food and beverage restrictions apply for 48 hours after the procedure. Stain-causing foods, such as tea, coffee, spices, or sauces, should be avoided.

  • Longevity

The effects of conventional teeth whitening usually last up to 8-10 months.

Zoom teeth whitening

Zoom whitening by Philips is the latest technology for teeth whitening in Waterdown. There are various Zoom whitening procedures. It involves both in-office and at-home teeth whitening options.

  • Preparation

The process begins with a dental check-up. Prior to bleaching your teeth, all cavities and gum diseases should be treated.  Scaling and polishing your teeth (tooth cleaning) and dental fillings will be recommended first. To get the finest effects from professional teeth whitening, you need to have healthy teeth.

  • Procedure

Zoom uses a unique bleaching gel with a similar concentration of hydrogen peroxide and amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). The initial gel application process is very similar to regular teeth whitening, but the only noticeable distinction is that the gel is activated with a unique light. This LED light initiates oxidation, allowing the bleaching agent to penetrate the enamel of the tooth, scrubbing away stains. 

Philips Zoom DayWhite and Philips Zoom NiteWhite are the two at-home Zoom teeth whitening options. After a dental bleaching appointment, the dentist could recommend one of these whitening procedures to further lighten your teeth.

  • Time taken

Zoom teeth whitening takes less than one hour, up to 45 minutes. An effective spin-off of Zoom teeth whitening is the  Zoom QuickPro, a 10-minute teeth whitening procedure. Although it doesn’t whiten teeth as much as the Zoom teeth whitening option, it costs less and requires less in-office time.

  • Side-effects

There is almost no post-procedure tooth sensitivity. Philips Zoom Blue LED light-accelerated technology and gel whiten teeth quickly, while amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) helps to strengthen enamel, increase shine, and minimize sensitivity.

  • Longevity

The effects of conventional teeth whitening last up to 15 months. Clinically it is shown to lighten teeth up to 8 shades


The choice between Zoom teeth whitening and conventional teeth whitening ultimately depends on your preference and the dentist’s advice. While conventional professional teeth whitening may offer a more gradual and natural approach, Zoom’s lightning-fast results are hard to beat. However, it’s important to remember that both options for teeth whitening in Waterdown can lead to a brighter, more confident smile.

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Overview of dental caries prevention. Woman at the dentist's chair during a dental procedure. Healthy Smile.

All You Need to Know About Composite Fillings

If you have a cavity, your dentist would most likely suggest dental fillings to prevent further infection and restore normal tooth function. For years, amalgam was the most popular option, but composite filling materials become popular lately due to their aesthetic appearance and durability. If you want your teeth to look natural, a composite filling material can do the job. If you are interested in learning more about composite filling and how long they last, their advantages, disadvantages, and many more; then you are on the right page.

What are composite dental fillings?

Dental composites are standard tooth-colored filling materials. They are customized to match the shade of your teeth and are almost unnoticeable to anyone who glances at your teeth. Their function is similar to traditional filling materials including crack repair, preventing further tooth decay in the affected teeth. Due to their superior aesthetic properties, they are also known as white fillings or resin fillings.

How long do composite fillings last?

Composite fillings are designed to withstand some amount of chewing force that we put on our natural teeth regularly, they are not lifelong solutions. If your composite fillings get loosened, damaged, or worn out; you may need new composite filling. As per our expert dentist, Dr. Bajaj, while composite fillings are esthetic and durable, they tend to have a shorter life span. A composite filling can last for about 5 – 7 years if properly taken care of. However, it may vary based on the presence of risk factors

Other dental fillings options:
There are several other filling materials including amalgam, gold, ceramic, and glass ionomer that your dentist can count on.
Composites come in a variety of materials:
Like standard fillings, composite can come in a variety of different materials. It comes in various shades too (perfectly colored to match your existing teeth). Composite is and will remain one of the popular options especially due to their aesthetic advantages.  
Advantages and disadvantages of composite filling:

Advantages: Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, composite can be completed in one visit. They can be used to fix minor flaws and can be repaired if damaged. Moreover, they need less drilling and lesser tooth removal in comparison to other filling materials

Disadvantages: Like every filling material, composite also possesses various drawbacks including a shorter lifespan, technique sensitivity  (as the composite has to be placed in layers; teeth need to be dry during placing), and can easily get stained due to frequent exposure to tea, coffee, and other food substances.

In conclusion, composite fillings are an effective and esthetically pleasing option for restoring teeth that have been damaged by dental decay or trauma. If you have any queries regarding composite filling material, contact our expert dentists at Magnolia Dental in Waterdown today.


What happens if my composite falls out?

If your composite filling falls out, it is crucial to contact your dentist as soon as possible. You should get your temporary filing and replacement done while you wait for your new composite filling.

Are composite fillings safe?

The study recommended that dentists need to follow the instructions regarding the light intensity used and the light curing time as well. Even though, if you have concerns, talk to your dentist right away.

Does it hurt to get a composite filling?

No. Undergoing any kind of dental filling treatment is a painless procedure. You may feel that the filling has been placed inside your mouth. If you feel any discomfort while chewing, you can tell your dentist right away.

How do take care of my composite fillings?

Although composite fillings are durable and long-lasting they do require some care to maintain their functionality. Regular brushing and flossing are necessary to prevent decay around the filling. Avoid biting on hard substances. A regular visit to your dentist is also necessary. As they can detect any issues with the filling and provide prompt treatment if required.

My front teeth are damaged. Can I get a composite filling on my front teeth?

Yes. Composite can come in various colors and shades. You may need a composite filling if your teeth are damaged and chipped. To restore the natural tooth appearance, our dentist will choose the exact shade that matches your existing teeth' color and shape.
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