16 Clappison Ave unit d2-04, Waterdown, ON L8B 0Y2.

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment In Waterdown

Do you feel pain while eating or drinking? If eating acidic, hot or cold food or breathing in cold air makes your teeth hurt, then you may have tooth sensitivity. However, this can be treatable in dental office or at home. Are you are willing to learn more about tooth sensitivity treatment options? Keep reading this article to learn more about the same.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of tooth sensitivity

Our teeth are protectively coated with a layer of enamel. Under this, a porous layer called dentin lies, which consists of numerous tiny dentinal tubules. These tiny tubules lead to the pulp, the core of your teeth, which is considered the tooth’s nerve center.

When this outer layer or enamel gets too thin or there is a breach exposing dentin, you may feel pain.


How your enamel can get damaged?

Some people’s teeth are naturally more sensitive than others. However, the cause of tooth sensitivity is multifactorial. There are various ways that can damage or erode your teeth.
  • Taking acidic food and beverages- specifically before bed.
  • Aggressive brushing
  • Using professional dental tools at home
  • Grinding or clenching teeth at night(Bruxism)
  • Gum diseases that pull your gum line down
  • Using toothpastes containing abrasives
  • Overuse of teeth whitening products
  • Health issues like GERD(gastrointestinal reflux disease) or bullemia that exposes your teeth to stomach acid
  • Cracked tooth or filling
  • Dental cavities (if left untreated)
  • Excessive plaque and tartar buildup

Taking care of your sensitive tooth

As per our experts dentists, here are some general tips that you need to follow:
  • Maintaining a good oral hygiene.
  • Having a touch-friendly diet. Preferably, avoiding acidic foods and drinks is necessary, as these substances can cause wearing off your enamel.
  • Changing your brush every 3–4 months is advisable.
  • Avoid vigorous side to side brushing and adopt gentle small circular brushing movements instead.
  • And If you are experiencing any such pain due to above-mentioned reasons for enamel damage, schedule a dental appointment with your dentist. The condition may get worse over time if left untreated.

Your dentist can help you come up with a formal diagnosis so that you feel confident that you are moving in the right direction. Our expert dentists at Waterdown can guide you through all the tooth sensitivity treatment options available.

Let’s understand the whole process:


Knowing the underlying cause

We don’t make any assumptions while diagnosing the underlying cause of your pain. Once we nail down the causes, we can come up with a solution that fits for you. During the check-up, your doctor may perform any other tests, like a tap test or a cold test, if they are required.

In-office treatment

If your dentist discovers that your teeth are damaged and decayed, or that your tooth root has lost its gum tissue, he/she may recommend anything from a simple filling to more complex procedures such as surgical gum grafts or dental crowns. For eroded enamel, you may be able to treat it at home, or it might need professional tooth sensitivity treatment based on the severity of the condition. Your dentist might go for a professional fluoride application on the sensitive areas of your teeth. This will help with alleviating pain and eliminating tooth sensitivity.
treatment in office

Customised advice

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that can cause tooth sensitivity. Our dentists at Waterdown will guide you with providing the best possible tooth sensitivity treatment option i.e. specifically tailored to your needs. Like if your sensitivity is causing due to mild to moderate worn out enamel, our dentists may suggest the use of prescription fluoride at home. This will strengthen your enamel and prevent further dental decay.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can the dentist do something for sensitive teeth?

Sensitive teeth can be treated with professional in-office treatment procedures. Your dentist may suggest a variety of treatments for sensitive teeth, including fluoride gel application, root canal, crown, inlay, bonding, or even more complex procedures like a surgical gum graft procedure if necessary. Your doctor may recommend using desensitizing toothpaste to reduce the severity of the sensitivity you are experiencing.

How can I permanently fix sensitive teeth?

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is the key to preventing tooth sensitivity. You can include several dental care habits in your daily oral hygiene routine. Using a soft-bristled tooth brush, developing better brushing habits, flossing after every meal, avoiding problematic foods and beverages, and sleeping with a mouthguard if you clench or grind your teeth, are some of the daily dental habits that you need to practice.

Why are my teeth so sensitive at the dentist?

You may experience tooth sensitivity after your dental cleaning appointment. The patients experiencing tooth cleaning sensitivity are often those with existing tooth sensitivity. Likewise, if you have enamel damage due to acidic wear or acid erosion, you may experience tooth sensitivity during dental cleaning as well.