16 Clappison Ave unit d2-04, Waterdown, ON L8B 0Y2.

Root Canal Specialist In Waterdown

Root canal treatment (RCT) is a widely used procedure in modern dentistry. The whole procedure is to save your natural tooth, not to extract it!

When a cavity is too severe to treat and hurts when chewing, sleeping, or otherwise, it has already damaged the internal nerves; that’s when we must also fill the tooth’s roots. Root canal in Waterdown is now quicker and less painful, thanks to modern dentistry.

When should you see a root canal dentist ?

  1. A visible cavity that is longstanding, sensitive and painful.
  2. An intact tooth that has experienced trauma in the past and slowly develops pain due to an inflamed pulp
  3. A chip / crack / fracture of the tooth.
  4. Multiple large fillings on the same tooth.
  5. Intentional RCT for full mouth rehabilitation.
  6. Shaky tooth (mild mobility)
  7. Swelling and pus discharge.

Benefits of RCT:

  • Preservation of the natural tooth for function and esthetic.
  • Alleviation of pain and sensitivity.
  • Healing is painless and quicker, with less restrictions as compared to dental extractions.
  • Stops the spread of infection to the gums and jaws.
  • Restores health and function

Who is a root canal dentist ?

A dentist who is a root canal specialist and have had years of rigorous training in Endodontics (branch of dentistry that deals with RCT) can take scare of any simple to complex cases of RCT. They diagnose the dental problem, suggest the prognosis of RCT and also advises the best types of dental crowns and dental bridges available. 

The procedure of root canal in Waterdown


Numbing the tooth

The dentist injects and anesthetizes the tooth and its surrounding gums, before beginning the RCT. Anesthesia or dental freezing is an important step towards painless RCT. It makes the patient feel confident and helps him trust the root canal dentist.

Accessing opening

The dentist then drills into the tooth to gain access to the pulp chamber and root canals. The root canals and pulp chamber are cleaned using instruments. Disinfecting solutions and saline are used alternatively to clean the pulp. This reduces pain and the spread of infection.

Giving a proper shape to the root canals to receive the filling material:

The root canals require a filling. The canals must be shaped for this purpose. The canals will be prepared for receiving the filling material after the dentist shapes them with tiny instruments and then re-cleans it.

The filling in the root canals

The canals are filled with gutta-percha. On heating, the rubber-like substance gutta percha is inserted into the canals. It is compressed into the root canals so that it abuts the walls firmly. In order to further seal the canals, a medicated adhesive sealer or cement is also added. This forms a hermetic seal to ward off bacteria.

Restoring the access opening or the cavity

The cavity is cleaned, prepared, and sealed with a normal filling. Bacteria cannot enter the tooth because of the filling. When the tooth is severely damaged and needs support, a small fiber and glass post is pushed into the roots, and the tooth structure, or the core, is built up.

Healing and antibiotics

Any root canal in Waterdown is strictly done under the antibiotic coverage, pain and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to curb discomfort and fare-ups
prepping tooth

Dental crown - the final rehabilitation

The treated tooth is enclosed by a dental crown, which increases its durability and stability. The permanent crown is made to look exactly like the natural teeth. Once it is in place, the tooth can once again withstand the forces of chewing.

Can root canal treatment be avoided?


With 100% oral hygiene, it can be prevented, but once the toothache starts, it cannot be avoided. A dental infection like a dental abscess can be life-threatening if left untreated. It can spread through your tissues into other parts of the face like the cheeks, eyes, nasal tract, neck, and ear, and sometimes directly to the brain.

Commonly called ‘space infections’ or ‘cellulitis’, these conditions required immediate hospitalization and IV antibiotics. These treatments are far more expensive than a root canal cost.

What should I expect after a RCT appointment ?

Mild pain and discomfort on the concerned tooth. With the necessary medications, the discomfort gradually subsides. 

Latest trends in Root canal in Waterdown:

  • Microscopical endodontics: a Dental Operating Microscope (DOM) is used to microscopically visualize the tooth. It is beneficial in many ways – Fragmented segments and accessory canals are clearly visible, the precise root canal anatomy, is large and clear, and the likelihood of microleakage and re-infection is decreased.
  • LASER or photon-induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) are used for chronic infections and weeping canals.
  • Imaging techniques: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and USG (Ultra Sonography) can be used to diagnose and treat complex cases.
  • Antibacterial nanoparticles (NP): more effective than traditional disinfectants at penetrating the tiny crevices of root canals.
  • RCT instruments made of, nickel titanium alloys (NiTi-alloys) for ease of use, efficiency and super flexibility.

Single sitting root canals in Waterdown:

A single visit root canal can be done for relatively straightforward root canal anatomy, and when there are no acute or persistent infections accompanied by pus or swelling. Benefits: quick appointments, fewer dental appointments, fewer anesthesia injection pricks, and better patient comfort and compliance. Problems : the recovery time is hastened, which can precipitate painful flare-ups. The single appointment is too lengthy and tedious for the dentist and the patient.

Re-fection of an old root canal treated tooth

A root canal treated teeth can hurt again. Some of the causes for re-infection are

  1. Gum infection due to plaque accumulation
  2. Food seepage underneath the cap
  3. Incompletely done root canal fillings
  4. An improper cap causing altered bite

How to care for the root canal treated tooth :

  1. Brush twice a day.
  2. Floss in-between the teeth and the dental crown
  3. Rinse your mouth or use water flosser to dislodge any loose food particles
  4. Use a disinfecting mouthwash daily.

Root canal cost in Waterdown:

It costs about $250 to $510 with an insurance plan. The cost rises to about $615 to $1250 without insurance coverage.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a root canal cost?

It costs about $250 to $510 with an insurance plan. The cost rises to about $615 to $1250 without insurance coverage.

Can a dentist do a root canal in one day?

Single sitting RCT is extremely popular at present. They come with a variety of benefits, including quick appointments, fewer dental appointments, fewer anesthesia injection pricks, and better patient comfort and compliance.

Is it better to pull a tooth or get a root canal?

It is case specific. A clinical check-up and x-rays will help the root canal specialist to decide on the course of treatment. An attempt to save the tooth is always going to be made before deciding on extraction.